Collection: Rime

RIME, a.k.a Jersey Joe, is an American artist of the graffiti school, born in Brooklyn in 1979, working worldwide. RIME got his start in graffiti in 1991 on Staten Island and continued to venture to other boroughs of New York City. He spent several years expanding his technique and style in New York and New Jersey. In 2003, he made his first foray outside the United States to travel through Europe for two months where he earned international recognition. Back in the States, he began exhibiting his work in galleries and in more ambitious ways. In 2005, Rime left the East Coast to live in Los Angeles. It was then he joined MSK – Mad Society Kings – which included artists such as Revok, Saber, Ewok, and more. Today, the artist goes about creating his paintings like a diary, an illustration of his quest for the essential. Behaving as a sheer concentration of energy, RIME’s universe mixes colors, movement, and light sources to which the artist has affixed his own lexicon composed of creatures from a universe of cartoons, symbols, and multiple details.