Collection: Fuzi

Born and raised in France, Fuzi’s journey in art started as a teenager painting trains in a yard close to his home. Tagging and getting noticed was the name of the game and he did it well. Together with his friends he formed the UV crew and took over Paris making his name widely known. Entering adulthood, Fuzi added tattooing to his art repertoire and started inking bodies all over Europe. His approach was raw and humble – tattooing in clubs, bars, and grimy places wherever he traveled. His tattoo art took the form of the people he saw in his surroundings turned into animals – dogs flexing muscles, cats with gold chains, and snakes with subway trains as tongues. Known for his “ignorant” cartoon style on walls and on skin, he delivers outrageously humorous images of excess, fun, and street life that can now be found on the bodies of celebrities, in train tunnels, and on sprawling commissioned murals.